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Maker Lab

Make & Invention | Ages 6 - 18

In the age of overwhelming information and knowledge, we no longer obtaining knowledge simply from traditional schools. Leaning from creating is one important education module that actually give us a first-hand and real-time experience in understanding certain knowledge and skills. Within a creative learning environment, even making mistakes will be beneficial.  


STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) is already developed in some western countries for some times. In recent years, STEM was added with an Arts related element which became STEAM. This education module (STEAM) is highly regarded in Hong Kong these days. With Arts being the main element in STEAM, will give students a purpose to learn. They will understand and exploring their interest and hence to discover their potential. 

Building interesting and intriguing 3D design and prototypes. Themes will be ranged from science, physic, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, etc.  

Encourage students to solve problem through experiencing and discovering. That’s a very practical and realistic way to stimulate designing ability. And from designing and making prototypes, students will also need to learn and combine different subjects into their final products. 



FRI 1500 - 1630

FRI 1700 - 1830

SAT 0900 -1030

SAT 1100 - 1230

SAT 1400 - 1530

SAT 1600 - 1730

SUN 0930 - 1100

SUN 1130 - 1300


​Member Share | 18 +


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MON 1900 - 2200

TUE 1900 - 2200

WED 1900 - 2200

THU 1900 - 2200

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