Video Production |Ages 6 - 18
In the age of smartphone, taking photos and video recordings is as easy as a flip or touch on a screen. Uploading our daily lives to social media become part of our lives now. It’s difficult to imagine how we used to think of an ideal career like some sort of professionals, where now we have Youtubers, media producers, illustration artist and etc. The creative industry is broadening and renewing fast. How do we keep up with these changes?
Take video recording as an example, being an outstanding YouTuber, you will need to acquire different professional skills and production know-how.
Instructors will find out what intrigue students’ interest to set up related theme accordingly. Students will learn step-by-step about how to create a full video, skills for examples: video recording, editing and post-production related. Besides, course will put a lot of emphasis in teaching narrative building, story telling, speech technique, content selection etc.
▮ Will be able to learn different video making softwares or apps. The process will strengthen students’ confidence either facing the camera or while to the public. It will also beneficial to their communication, creative thinking, and the implementation skills.
FRI 1500 - 1630
FRI 1700 - 1830
SAT 0900 -1030
SAT 1100 - 1230
SAT 1400 - 1530
SAT 1600 - 1730
SUN 0930 - 1100
SUN 1130 - 1300